UAUS Local Associations

Regional Associations

(Due to prior pandemic travel limitations and the increased use of virtual meetings, we are allowing people to join associations outside of their geographical area.)


Greater Lake Michigan Urantia Association
GLMUA Website
President: Bob Solone
Vice President: Jay Peregrine
Treasurer: Tamara Strumfeld
Secretary: Dr. Tom Sadler
Events: Benet Rutenberg
Membership: Alice Wood
Study Group: Barbara Newsom
Comms/Web: Alice Wood
E-mail: Contact GLMUA
Hawaii URANTIA Local Association
President: Marc Boucher
Vice President:  Marian Fieldson
Treasurer:  Marian Hughes
Secretary:  Matt Hughes
E-mail: Marian Hughes
Lone Star URANTIA Association
President:  Katrina Glavan-Heise
Vice President: Sia Ahmadzadeh
Treasurer: Debra Guevara
Secretary: Suzanne Kelly
Communications: Randall Wood
E-mail: Katrina Glavan-Heise
New York – Pennsylvania URANTIA Association President: Joyce Anderson
Vice President: David Neufer
Treasurer: David Anderson
Secretary: Susan Flacks
E-mail: Joyce Anderson
Virginia Carolina Readers President: Will Sherwood
Vice President: James Perry
Treasurer:  Glen Boyd
Secretary:  Marion Perry
E-mail: Will Sherwood